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John Knowler  ( 1790 - 1869 )

born in Elham 1790
christened in
died in Elham 1869
buried Feb-03 1869
occupation Ag Lab
 1843 Death of wife Mary Ann
 1869 On. Tuesday last, an inquest was held at the "Rose and Crown," before T. T. Delasaux, Esq., Coroner, touching the death of John Knowler, farm labourer, aged 79 years, who, on the previous day, fell from a strew-stack, and died from the injuries sustained. Thomas Couchman said that he was at work with the deceased at the farm of Mr. Woollett, loading a waggon with straw. Deceased was on the stack throwing the bundles to witness, when he fell, striking his head upon the wheel of the waggon. He died almost immediately afterwards. Mr. Herbert Beadles, surgeon, proved that the result of a post mortem examination made by him was the discovery of the fracture of a vertibrae in the head, the pressure from which produced death. A verdict of accidental death was returned. Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald - Saturday 06 February 1869

Death of wife Mary Ann

On. Tuesday last, an inquest was held at the "Rose and Crown," before T. T. Delasaux, Esq., Coroner, touching the death of John Knowler, farm labourer, aged 79 years, who, on the previous day, fell from a strew-stack, and died from the injuries sustained. Thomas Couchman said that he was at work with the deceased at the farm of Mr. Woollett, loading a waggon with straw. Deceased was on the stack throwing the bundles to witness, when he fell, striking his head upon the wheel of the waggon. He died almost immediately afterwards. Mr. Herbert Beadles, surgeon, proved that the result of a post mortem examination made by him was the discovery of the fracture of a vertibrae in the head, the pressure from which produced death. A verdict of accidental death was returned.

Whitstable Times and Herne Bay Herald - Saturday 06 February 1869
(Ages +/-1)
Year   Reg. DistrictChurchNameAgeSpouseAgeCurate
1813 Elham  John Knowler22Mary Ann Godden18 
(Elham Parish only)
1861John KnowlerOak CottageBack StreetHeadWWoodreeve71Lyminge
1851John KnowlerUpdown Cottage5 The RowFather In LawWAg Lab58Elham
1841John KnowlerProspect Terrace - Cottage (1) site ofThe Upper Row   50Kent
(Calculated from the demography records)
Name Relation GBornPlaceDiedPlaceOccupation
Isaac ClaysonSon In LawM1810Elham1895ElhamWood Dealer
Mary Ann KnowlesDaughterF1815Elham1866Elham 
Elgar ClaysonGrandsonM1837Elham1895Queensland Australia 
Isaac ClaysonGrandsonM1838Elham1880ElhamAgricultural Labourer
Thomas ClaysonGrandsonM1839Elham1906Folkestone 
Mary Ann ClaysonGranddaughterF1842Elham1930ElhamHome Duties
Sophia ClaysonGranddaughterF1844Elham1922Elham 
Ann ClaysonGranddaughterF1847Elham   
William ClaysonGrandsonM1849Elham1922ElhamLife Insurance Agent