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John Carswell  ( 1847 - )

parents Charles & Mary Ann JONES
born in Elham 1847
christened in Elham Jul 23 1848
died in
occupation Agricultural Labourer
 1864 On Thursday, at Acrise (before the Rev. Charles Chapman), A Thomas Fox and A John Carswell were charged with breaking a window, the property of John Gibson, of Acrise. Prosecutor's wife 51 stated that about half-past five o'clock in the afternoon of the 12th inst., she was getting her children's supper, when she was alarmed by a large stone being thrown against the front door. She ran to the door, thinking it was a gun discharged, and intended to lock the door, least anyone should attempt to enter. Before she could get to the door a stone came through the window. She ran across the garden to call her husband, and she then saw the defendant sitting on a style, near. She asked him his name and be refused to tell her. Her husband came and secured the defendant Fox who was close by. He said he did not do it, but refused to say who the other defendant was. The two were in company and no one else was seen there at the time. Defendants were each fined 6d. and costs 8s. 3d. Kentish Gazette - Tuesday 20 December 1864

On Thursday, at Acrise (before the Rev. Charles Chapman), A Thomas Fox and A John Carswell were charged with breaking a window, the property of John Gibson, of Acrise. Prosecutor's wife 51 stated that about half-past five o'clock in the afternoon of the 12th inst., she was getting her children's supper, when she was alarmed by a large stone being thrown against the front door. She ran to the door, thinking it was a gun discharged, and intended to lock the door, least anyone should attempt to enter. Before she could get to the door a stone came through the window. She ran across the garden to call her husband, and she then saw the defendant sitting on a style, near. She asked him his name and be refused to tell her. Her husband came and secured the defendant Fox who was close by. He said he did not do it, but refused to say who the other defendant was. The two were in company and no one else was seen there at the time. Defendants were each fined 6d. and costs 8s. 3d.

Kentish Gazette - Tuesday 20 December 1864
(Elham Parish only)
1861John CarswellCottage (2)Cock LaneSon Agricultural Labourer13Elham
1851John CarswellCottage (2)Cock LaneSon  3Elham
(Calculated from the demography records)
Name Relation GBornPlaceDiedPlaceOccupation
Charles CarswellFatherM1800Elham1875Elham DistrictAgricultural Labourer
Mary Ann JonesMotherF1811Sellindge1884Elham District 
Susanna Elizabeth CarswellSisterF1830Elham1916ElhamDressmaker
Charles CarswellBrotherM1833Elham1885ElhamAg Lab
Joseph Henry CarswellBrotherM1837Elham1886ElhamAgricultural Labourer
Benjamin CarswellBrotherM1844Elham1872Elham 
Mary Ann CarswellSisterF1851Elham