
Launched 09/04/2011

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07/01/2025 10:11


Grade II Listed
The Old Vicarage
Vicarage Corner
YearNameAddressRelationCM/FAgeOccupationPlace of birth 
1841James HogginsThe Vicarage  M50 Not Kent
1841Anna HogginsThe Vicarage  F50 Not Kent
1841Caroline SimpleThe Vicarage  F30 Kent
1841Ann RichardsThe Vicarage  F20 Kent
1851Grace Greenslade ServantUF52CookGlamorganshire
1851Walker Wodehouse HeadUM31Vicar Of Elham M A OxonGosport
1851Elizabeth Cook ServantUF24House MaidSellinge
1851Agnes Wodehouse SisterUF23FundholderNorton
1851James Wodehouse BrotherUM21Fundholder B A OxonNorton
1851William P Moore PupilUM15ScholarLondon
1861Betsy GooldElham VicarageServantUF70Formerly NurseBridgwater
1861Walker WodehouseElham VicarageHeadUM41Vicar Of Elham M A OxonGosport
1861Mary A AdamsElham VicarageServantUF38CookBoughton Under Blean
YearText Photos 

Little is known about the history of this house. The oldest known maps of the parish show it with a number of large outbuildings, giving the appearance of a farm. The earliest detailed tithe map, still in the possession of the church at Elham shows that it was the vicarage in 1844, and it continued to be so until 1967. The house itself is a very imposing building, and it stands in extensive grounds. Fragments of ancient flint and stonework at the rear of the house indicate that a house of importance stood here in medieval times, of which a small cellar at the western end was part.

The main part of the house was built in the 17th century, and was lengthened, and considerably altered in the 18th century. Further extensive alterations were carried out by the Rev. A. C. de Bourbel in 1900ยท1901, the architect employed being F. C. Eden. The fine appearance of the front of the house dates from then, and it seems that the central Jacobean stairacase was removed to enlarge a room 'there, and this would explain the curious fact that the main cellars can only be reached through a small opening outside the east end of the house.

The house possesses many other items of interest. There are a large number of old blue-and-white Delft tiles, now obviously not in their original positions, but which date from the 17th century. The walls of the older part are very thick - another indication of their great age, and there are some old floorboards and fittings, and some fine marble flooring.

Elham Study
c 1920 The Old Vicarage Bryan Badham 10109
1966 Listed by English Heritage  
c 2005 Old Vicarage Entrance Gates Bryan Badham 10267
No ownership records found for this building

No ownership records found for this building