
Launched 09/04/2011

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07/01/2025 10:11


1742 Grade II Listed
High Street
YearNameAddressRelationCM/FAgeOccupationPlace of birth 
1841William KeelerHigh Street  M60 Kent
1841Elizabeth KeelerHigh Street  F60 Not Kent
1841Edwd KeelerHigh Street  M16Collar makerKent
1851Catherine KeelerHigh StreetWifeMF69 Elham
1851Richard KeelerHigh StreetHeadMM45Saddle And Harness MakerElham
1861Edward G KeelerHigh StreetHeadMM36Publican Out Of BusinessElham
1861Edwin GatehouseHigh StreetLodgerUM28Collier & Harness MakerShatton
1861Elizabeth R HampHigh StreetNiece F10ScholarSouth Lambeth
1871Jane HughesHigh StreetWife F66 Kent
1871Stephen HughesHigh StreetHead M63 Kent
1871Ann ManneringHigh StreetServant F16 Kent
1881Edwin GatehouseHigh StreetHeadMM48Saddler etcShafsterbury
1881Rosatte A GatehouseHigh StreetWifeMF46 Chislett
YearText Photos 
1742 With Trentham these two houses make an attractive pair, and were built together in 1742, as the datestone in the centre shows. Above the datestone is an old Sun Insurance plaque. Each house has a central doorway, with a flat hood, and one room in each house has a bay window. A stringcourse runs right across the frontage, and the brickwork is of red stretchers and blue headers. All the main windows have modern glazing. Elham Study  
1845 Tythe Apportionment - The Canterbury archdeaconry as part of the Maidstone archdeaconry consisted of the rural deaneries of Bridge Charing Canterbury Dartford Dover Malling Elham Shoreham Lympne Sittingbourne Ospringe Sutton Sandwich and Westbere.  
1966 Listed by English Heritage  
 YearAddressHouse Name£ PricePurposeNotesOwner 
 1742High Street   DatestoneAnnie Bailey
 1742High Street   RefrontingAnnie Bailey
 1845High StreetStresa   William Keeler
 1909High Street  GatehouseKelly's DirectoryAnnie Bailey
 1924High Street  GatehouseKelly's DirectoryAnnie Bailey
 1999High StreetLoriners120000  Annie Bailey
 2000High StreetLorinersHidden  Annie Bailey