
Launched 09/04/2011

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07/01/2025 10:11


Grade II Listed
Oriel Cottage
High Street
YearNameAddressRelationCM/FAgeOccupationPlace of birth 
1841Ann NickollHigh Street  F65 Kent
1841Emblen WilsonHigh Street  F65 Kent
1841Samuel NickollHigh Street  M25 Kent
1841Mary ClarkHigh Street  F15 Kent
1861Maria BirchHigh StreetHeadWF71Landed ProprietorsStelling
1861Sampson BirchHigh StreetSonUM41FarmerLyminge
1861Mary JohnsonHigh StreetGranddaughterUF19Teacher British SchollElham
1871Maria Birch Head F82 Kent
1871Mary Johnson Daughter F63 Kent
1881William R. OsborneHigh StreetHeadWM32AuctioneerAcrise
1891Wm Rob OsborneHigh StreetHeadMM42AuctioneerAcrise
1891Clara Jane OsborneHigh StreetWifeMF40 Lynsted
1891Geo Harrison OsborneHigh StreetSon M7 Lynsted
YearText Photos 
This house is older than it appears from the outside. The right hand third of it contains a very attractive 16th century timber-framed house, end on to the road. This was re-fronted and extended on the south side during the 18th century, presenting now a pleasant double-fronted house with a central doorway, flanked by bow windows with an overhang above them. The first floor is tile hung, with a small, central and distinctive oriel window.

The main framework of the original Tudor house is still intact inside the later additions, and some of its timbers can be seen inside. The lower extension on the left of the house is 18th century, and was probably once the coach house.

Elham Study
1845 Tithe Apportionment: 828, C & G, 0.0.26, owned by Thomas Rigden, occupied by Mrs Nicholls.  
c 1902 Caisters Brogdale Oriel Cottage Derek Boughton 10134
1966 Listed by English Heritage  
2007 Oriel Cottage Bryan Badham 10041
 YearAddressHouse Name£ PricePurposeNotesOwner 
 1996High StreetOriel Cottage120000  Annie Bailey
 2000High StreetOriel Cottage210000  Annie Bailey
 2003High StreetOriel Cottage380000  Annie Bailey
 2007High StreetOriel Cottage535000  Annie Bailey