
Launched 09/04/2011

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07/01/2025 10:11


1620 Grade II Listed
The Old School House
The Square
YearNameAddressRelationCM/FAgeOccupationPlace of birth 
1729William BaxThe Square  M   
1756Charles WraightThe Square  M7  
1756William WraightThe Square  M Schoolmaster 
1756Sarah WraightThe Square  F   
1801William KnowlesThe Square  M20  
1806Charles HerbertThe Square  M Schoolmaster 
1817Thomas Tipper   M37 Elham
1841Thomas TipperThe Square  M60  
1841Mary TipperThe Square  F35  
1841Harriet TipperThe Square  F30  
1841William TipperThe Square  M25  
1851Elizabeth GrantThe SquareSister In LawWF80HousekeeperHougham
1851Thomas TipperThe SquareHeadWM73School Master And Parish ClerkTilmanston
YearText Photos 

  This house was built in 1620 - possibly with an earlier core - partially rebuilt around 1700 following damage.  Has mid-to-late C18 facade. Front elevation red brick in Flemish bond.  Right gable end older brick in Flemish type bond.  Plain tile roof. 2 storeys. High painted moulded brick plinth - returned along right gable end.  Plat band to right gable end only.  Plain brick eaves band.  Roof continuous with The Old Bakery left - hipped to right.  Multiple brick ridge stack towards left end.  Irregular fenestration of three twenty-pane sashes in open boxes - with splayed rubbed brick voussoirs; one left of stack - and two broadly-spaced to right - all set well below eaves.  Similar windows to ground floor.  Door of six sunk panels under stack.  Doric porch with moulded triangular pediment and slate roof.  Two-storey tile-hung rear-wing to left - with lower ridge than main range - plan tile roof hipped to rear - and stack to long left side.  Rear lean-to to right - brickwork integral with that of gable end.

  When the school moved away, the house was sold, and in recent years it has been admirably restored, and inside it one can still see the large school room with its timbered walls and wide fireplace. Behind the fireplace is a smaller room which was once the Master's sitting room.The roof is of oak, and is original and in excellent condition. One extraordinary feature is that the wall-plates which support the base of the rafters both at the front and at the back of the house are in one piece, each over fifty feet long, and may be more, as they project into the adjoining house. The Georgian style porch has been added in modern times.

  1725 date stone to right gable end is wrong as Sir John Williams' will, made April 1723, says "my house which I bought and rebuilt".  The house was left to the parish in the will - to provide for the education of six local poor boys with land to provide income.

C.P.R.K. Elham - A Village Study 1968
1907 Edward Bush Derek Boughton 10151
c 1929 Old School House Bakery Square Derek Boughton 10164
1966 Listed by English Heritage  
2006 Old School House The Square Bryan Badham 10019
2010 Old School House The Square Bryan Badham 10242
 YearAddressHouse Name£ PricePurposeNotesOwner 
 1966The SquareElven House   Annie Bailey
 2004The SquareThe Old School House505000  Annie Bailey
 2006The SquareThe Old School HouseHidden  Annie Bailey