
Launched 09/04/2011

Latest update

07/01/2025 10:11


Grade II Listed
High Street
YearNameAddressRelationCM/FAgeOccupationPlace of birth 
1841George LordHigh Street  M45 Not Kent
1841Mary LordHigh Street  F40 Kent
1841Hannah HawkingsHigh Street  F20 Kent
1841Mary LordHigh Street  F15 Not Kent
1841Mary PayHigh Street  F15 Kent
1841Elizabeth LordHigh Street  F12 Kent
1841Catharine LordHigh Street  F8 Kent
1841Catharine BaileyHigh Street  F7 Kent
1871Anne GibsonHigh StreetWife F45 Gloucestershire
1871William H GibsonHigh StreetHead M39 Kent
1871John SharpeHigh StreetApprentice M17 Not Known
1871Charlotte NicholasHigh StreetVisitor F13 Sussex
1871Lucy M GibsonHigh StreetDaughter F9 Kent
YearText Photos 
With the adjoining house, this contains the timber-framing of an interesting 16th century house with a continuous overhang at the front, the ground floor having been since underbuilt in brick, and the first floor tile covered. Inside, old timbers show in many places, and the old house seems to be still fairly complete, despite additions Elham Study  
Formerly house and shop. Possibly C17, with late C18 or early C19 facade. Ground floor painted brick, first floor tile-hung. Plain tile roof. Continuous jetty. Roof gabled to left, and abuts adjoining property to right. No visible stacks. Irregular fenestration of 3 three-light leaded casements. C19 canted bay towards centre of ground floor and large two-light window towards right. Door with flush panels and small top lights up two steps towards left end. Boarded door up two steps to right end English Heritage  
1845 Tithe Apportionment: 822 Cottage and Garden, 18 perch, owned by William Pittock, occupied by – Lord.  
1851 With Trelawney Cottage in census.  
1861 unoccupied ?  
c 1900 Verneys Peter Verney 10111
Verney's Peter Verney 10254
 YearAddressHouse Name£ PricePurposeNotesOwner 
 1845High Street    William Pittock
 1944High Street    Frank Verney
 1995High StreetVerneys137500  Annie Bailey
 2001High StreetVerneys235000  Annie Bailey