
Launched 09/04/2011

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07/01/2025 10:11


c 1580
Water Farm
Duck Street
YearNameAddressRelationCM/FAgeOccupationPlace of birth 
1841James AyersDuck Street  M65 Kent
1841Charlotte AyersDuck Street  F60 Kent
1841Sarah AyersDuck Street  F20 Kent
1841Richard CouchmanDuck Street  M20 Kent
1841John PottDuck Street  M20 Kent
1841Harriet MiddletonDuck Street  F18 Kent
1841John GosbeyDuck Street  M15 Kent
1851Henry RolfeDuck StreetBrother In LawUM42Landed ProprieterElham
1851William GipsonDuck StreetServantUM36Farm ServPetham
1851William WoollettDuck StreetHeadWM33Farmer Of 280 Acres Employing 13 LabourersDenton
1851Elizabeth RolfeDuck StreetSisterMF31Farmer's Wife VisitorLyminge
1851Jane SpainDuck StreetHouse KeeperUF30House KeeperStourmouth
1851George ReadDuck StreetServantUM23Farm ServElham
YearText Photos 

This stands end on to the road, the south end being tile hung. It was originally a red brick house of about 1580, having four large windows on the west side, with drip moulds over. These have been replaced by 18th century sash windows, but the outlines of the earlier windows can still be seen. One smaller original window still survives at the north end of the house, and this has brick mullions and. transoms, made to look like moulded stone.

Inside the house, the partitions between the rooms are timber-framed, and the floors above are supported by heavy, and finely moulded cross-beams which are now painted white. At the north end of the house is a massive, original chimney breast, which must once have had an imposing wide fireplace, but this has been removed. The staircase is original, with a heavy rail and newel post, and with turned ballusters, now all painted brown. The treads have been renewed on the flight up to the first floor, but are original on the second staircase leading to the attic.

The newel on the upper floor has a large and unusual carved poppy head. The floorboards in the attic space are of oak, and original, but in a rotten state. The original oak roof also remains, and is in a very good condition. It has heavy principal rafters nearly a foot square in section, with short side purlins pegged into the principals, and long, straight wind braces. There is no ridge piece, the rafters being pegged at the apex.

Elham Study
c 1850 Water Farm Church Bryan Badham 10169
1912 St. Mary's Cottages Water Farm & Station Approach Goldup 10189
c 1920 St. Mary's Cottages; Water Farm & Station Approach Goldup 10194
c 1929 St. Mary's Cottages Water Farm Station Derek Boughton 10155
c 1930 St. Mary's Cottages Water Farm Station Approach Derek Boughton 10157
2007 Water Farm Bryan Badham 10037
No ownership records found for this building

No ownership records found for this building