
Launched 09/04/2011

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07/01/2025 10:11


Mary Ann Hogben  ( 1825 - 1894 )

also known as
Mary Ann Parker
parents John & Mary
born in Elham 1825
christened in Elham 21 Aug 1825
died in Hastings District 1894
 1863 Thomas Parker appeared to summons for assaulting Mary Ann, the wife of Richard Hogben, of Elham, farmer. —The complainant stated that defendant is her brother, and formerly lived with her husband, but about twelve months ago he left, and then expressed a wish that she would never speak to him again. She has seen the defendant several times since, but did not speak to him. On the 8th instant she went into her mother's house. The defendant was there with a younger brother. She sat down and talked to her mother, but did not say anything to defendant, and he suddenly got up and used bad language to her, and took hold of her shoulders, and put her out or doors. Her legs were bruised by the assault. She went back into the house, declaring "that she would not be turned out of doors, as the house was as much hers as his." —The Bench fined defendant 1s., and £1 13s 6d, costs. Kentish Gazette - Tuesday 21 July 1863
 1891 Living (59) in Hastings with husband Richard 1891 census

Thomas Parker appeared to summons for assaulting Mary Ann, the wife of Richard Hogben, of Elham, farmer. —The complainant stated that defendant is her brother, and formerly lived with her husband, but about twelve months ago he left, and then expressed a wish that she would never speak to him again. She has seen the defendant several times since, but did not speak to him. On the 8th instant she went into her mother's house. The defendant was there with a younger brother. She sat down and talked to her mother, but did not say anything to defendant, and he suddenly got up and used bad language to her, and took hold of her shoulders, and put her out or doors. Her legs were bruised by the assault. She went back into the house, declaring "that she would not be turned out of doors, as the house was as much hers as his." —The Bench fined defendant 1s., and £1 13s 6d, costs.

Kentish Gazette - Tuesday 21 July 1863

Living (59) in Hastings with husband Richard

1891 census
(Ages +/-1)
Year   Reg. DistrictChurchNameAgeSpouseAgeCurate
1856 Canterbury  Mary Ann Parker30Richard Hogben24 
(Elham Parish only)
1881Mary Ann HogbenWingate FarmWingateWifeM 51Elham
1871Mary A HogbenWingate FarmWingate Wife  42Kent
1861Mary A HogbenWingate FarmWingateWifeM 34Elham
1851Mary A ParkerUnidentified Ref No. Z 149WingmoreDaughterUServt At Home25Elham
(Calculated from the demography records)
Name Relation GBornPlaceDiedPlaceOccupation
John ParkerFatherM1787Canterbury  Blacksmith Master Employing 1 Man
Mary Ann ParkerMotherF1791Kent1871Elham District 
William H. WraightBoarderM1797Cheriton  Retired Farmer
Thomas Edward ParkerBrotherM1830Elham1905Elham DistrictGrocer And Blacksmith
Richard HogbenHusbandM1831Elham  Farmer 70 Acres
Thomas HawkesServantM1844Upper Hardres  Waggoner Mate
William ParkerServantM1852Elham1917Bridge DistrictAg Lab
John ForemanServM1859Kingstone  Farm Serv Indoor
Edward NewinServM1865Elham  Farm Serv Indoor