
Launched 09/04/2011

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07/01/2025 10:11


Grade II Listed
Crown House
The Square
YearNameAddressRelationCM/FAgeOccupationPlace of birth 
1841Elizabeth NickollThe Square  F80 Kent
1841William NickollThe Square  M55 Kent
1841Elizabeth NickollThe Square  F55 Kent
1841Sarah NickollThe Square  F45 Kent
1851Elizabeth NickollThe SquareSisterUF67House KeeperElham
1851William NickollThe SquareHeadUM65ButcherElham
1861Elizabeth NickollThe SquareHeadUF77 Elham
1871Mary RigdenThe SquareHead F81 Kent
1871Isabella M RigdenThe SquareGranddaughter F16 Kent
1871Beatrice S RigdenThe SquareGranddaughter F9 Kent
1881Thomas Chaplin The SquareHeadMM33Farmer 6 1/2 AcresLyminge
1881Caroline Chaplin The SquareWifeMF30 Elham
1881Thomas Fagg Chaplin The SquareSon M10ScholarElham
YearText Photos 
The Crown Inn until (?) the end of the eighteenth century, known earlier as the Red Lion.  
This attractive group of 18th century houses has been renovated in recent years, and much enhanced by the narrow garden border in front of them. It was known as Crown House, and was formerly the Crown Inn. While modernised inside, these houses still retain a number of old features such as wide fireplaces, and occasional oak beams. Narrow brickwork at the rear of two of these premises appear to remain from earlier 17th century buildings. Elham Study  
1844 Plot no. 784, owner and occupier, William Nickoll, 8 perch Elham Tithe Apportionment  
1869 Stephen May to William Alexander Mackinnon Firstly , butcher's Secondly, All that messuage or dwelling called by the name or sign of “The Red Lion” and afterwards of “The Crown” but then and for a long time past converted into a private dwelling house with the stable yard buildings heriditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging situate lying or being at or near the square in the Town of Elham abutting to the said square towards tnhe west and to the lane or highway there called Ducks Hill towards the south formerly in the tenure or occupation of Elizabeth Nicholl spinster her assigns or undertenants and then in the occupation of the said Stephen May and Susannah Hogben or one of them or one of their undertenants  
2nd January: Stephen May to William Alexander Mackinnon Abstract of Title to the Unsettled Portions of the Acrise Estate  
c 1920 The Square Derek Boughton 10120
1966 Listed by English Heritage  
 YearAddressHouse Name£ PricePurposeNotesOwner 
  The SquareCrown Inn   Annie Bailey
  The SquareCrown House   Annie Bailey
  The SquareCoutties Wynde   Annie Bailey
 2014The SquareCoutties WyndeHidden  Annie Bailey
 2015The SquareCrown House   Annie Bailey