
Launched 09/04/2011

Latest update

07/01/2025 10:11


Grade II Listed
Coleman House
Cullings Hill
YearNameAddressRelationCM/FAgeOccupationPlace of birth 
1841Ann ColemanThe Row  F60 Kent
1841Ephraim ColemanThe Row  M30 Not Kent
1841Mary KnottThe Row  F15 Kent
1851Ann Coleman3 Well StreetWifeMF71 Stelling
1851Ephraim Coleman3 Well StreetHeadMM44Proprietor Of HousesBrede Sussex
1871Benjamin SmithBack StreetHead M33 Yorkshire
1871Hannah SmithBack StreetSister F21 Yorkshire
1871Harriett BreetsBack StreetServant F19 Yorkshire
1871Frederick B SmithBack StreetSon M4 Cornwall
1881John H. Goodman Elham StreetHeadMM33Wesleyan MinisterWroxton Oxford
1881Sarah Goodman Elham StreetWifeMF31Ministers WifeMarden
1881Maria M. Toms Elham StreetServ F16General ServHawkinge
1881William A. Goodman Elham StreetSon M5ScholarBirkinhead Cheshire
YearText Photos 
This villa has timber framing from before the 18th century with a central doorway in a reeded architrave surround, with a flat hood over. The ground floor has a large bay window on each side of the door, with three modernised windows on the first floor. The house is of red brick, with a part-cemented front. It has a hipped, tiled roof. Elham Study  
2010 Braeside Cottages Monks Cottage Ivy Villa Windlasss Cottage Bryan Badham 10230
Monks Cottage Ivy Villa Windlass Cottage Bryan Badham 10231
Ivy Villa Coleman House Bryan Badham 10232
 YearAddressHouse Name£ PricePurposeNotesOwner 
  Cullings HillIvy Villa   Annie Bailey