
Launched 09/04/2011

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07/01/2025 10:11


Five Bells
Duck Street
YearNameAddressFlatRelationCM/FAgeOccupationPlace of birth 
1841Henry ReadDuck Street1  M55 Kent
1841Elizabeth ReadDuck Street1  F50 Kent
1841William ReadDuck Street1  M20 Kent
1841Isaac ReadDuck Street1  M15 Kent
1841Robert ReadDuck Street1  M12 Kent
1841Joseph ReadDuck Street1  M10 Kent
1841Martha ClaysonDuck Street2  F70 Kent
1841Isaac ClaysonDuck Street2  M35 Kent
1841William ClaysonDuck Street2  M11 Kent
1841George ClaysonDuck Street2  M9 Kent
1851Sarah ForthDuck Street1WifeMF52 Dover
1851George ForthDuck Street1HeadMM48White Smith Master Employing 2 MenDover
1851Sarah J ForthDuck Street1DaughterUF23House ServtDover
YearText Photos 
1740 Gilbert Tanner alienated Five Bells in Duck Street to George Glasier of Elham victualler .. late in occupation of Henry Wells. CKS: U47/3, Elham Manorial Court Rolls]  
1745 Death of George Glazier .. owned The Cherry Tree in Duck Street now or late in the occupation of William Stroud or his assigns .. admission of Jane Glazier, widow CKS: U47/3, Elham Manorial Court Rolls]  
1770 17 April. Death of William Rigden, Five Bells formerly the Cherry Tree in occupation of William Stroud comes to sons William and John. CKS: U47/3, Elham Manorial Court Rolls]  
1793 William Rigden lately deceased leaves his half of Five Bells (formerly Cherry Tree) and Three Tuns to John Rigden the elder who held the other half, in occupation of John Culling. CKS: U47/3, Elham Manorial Court Rolls  
1834 Rental. Owner, Thomas Rigden of Newington, formerly John Rigden. Occupier, John Clayson. One messuage or tenement (formerly commonly called or known by the name or sign of The Two Bells [sic] and before the Cherry Tree. CKS: U47/3, Elham Manorial Court Rolls  
c 1929 Five Bells St Mary's Church Derek Boughton 10159
c 1940 Five Bells St. Mary's Church Bryan Badham 10168
 YearAddressHouse Name£ PricePurposeNotesOwner 
  Duck StreetCherry Tree   Annie Bailey
  Duck StreetFive Bells   Annie Bailey
  Duck StreetOrchard Villa   Annie Bailey
  Duck StreetOrchard Cottage   Annie Bailey
 1764Duck Street    William Rigden
 1834Duck StreetFive Bells   Thomas Rigden